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Kuching Festival

【Money Back Guarantee(!) Nutritious Sandwich \(*T▽T*)/】

Penulis: Admin, pada Aug 4, 2017

When you pass by, you can hear them saying, “Not good, don’t need to pay~” It’s Stall 94’s Nutritious Sandwiches!

There are 3 types of sandwiches, and the most popular is the 38 Signature Sandwich! It’s stuffed with ham, tomato, cucumbers, lettuce and more. The special thing here is that it also has their signature Taiwanese Braised Egg, which is a satisfaction + point~ Each only costs RM6 and if you get 2, it’s just RM10!


Their other sandwiches are the 38 Hot Dog Sandwich and the 38 Tune Sandwich. All of them have a good amount of filling and is definitely worth the price~ They all taste good, so you won't need your money back (●っゝω・)っ~ So be sure to grab a sandwich at Stall 94 today!

More Delicious Kuching Foodie Info, only at Teaspoon.