Pullman Kuching Christmas Lighting Ceremony Introducing great promotions and deals
Ditulis oleh: Admin pada Nov 30, 2019
Jingle bells~Jingle bells~it's the sign of Christmas! Although there is no winter breeze and the white snowflakes around, or even the Santa Claus riding with reindeer, But we do have the lovely Pullman Hotel which designed a christmas tree that have 33 I
推陈出新的菜单和优惠方案 @香港面粥家 Part 2
Ditulis oleh: Admin pada Oct 22, 2019
每每小编一提起这家已经营了34年的餐厅,友人都会回答说。小时候跟爸爸妈妈常去、现在偶尔遇到比较年长的客户也会去等等。在这日新月异的时代里,香港面粥家也推陈出新的出现了新菜色,新的优惠方案。让儿时记忆加了新的感觉!所以想尝尝鲜或找寻儿时记忆都可以来这里哦!一次搞定,绝对满足! 必点的菜色:烧鸭面 友人告诉小编说,除了咸蛋苦瓜、叉烧面、宫保鸡等等美食,这是一道必点的美食,而且一碗烧鸭面才RM7.00. 鸭皮薄如一张纸,里面的鸭肉嫩得不得了。又滑又嫩,调味料还下的刚刚好。不会太咸!还有烫白菜以及脆脆的猪
Ditulis oleh: Admin pada Aug 7, 2019
擁有十四年歷史的西馬麻坡嬌媽媽月餅, 將于16/8/2019 在石角的Emart (麦当劳售货亭和电梯前)開賣. 今年首度帶來了11 種傳統月餅, 8種餡中餡和7種冰皮. 嬌媽媽月餅100% 純天然材料製作, 無添加防腐劑。买来自己享用或中秋佳节送礼,不失体面。🤩 小编最爱的还是他们家的冰皮,這一款冰皮系列,首推皮薄餡多.物超所值的猫山王純榴槤口味. 咬下一小口, 細嚼慢嚥, 滿滿的榴槤香, 散發在齒縫間. 真是一大享受啊!😋 除了冰皮系列, 您可以試試嬌媽媽的傳統月餅, 低糖無人造色素, 甜而不膩.
[Pullman Kuching Chef Matan Lok-Lok Buffet Dinner!] @ Puzzle Restaurant
Ditulis oleh: Admin pada Jul 5, 2019
Attention lok-lok/buffet lovers! Starting from July until September 2019 (every Friday Saturday night, 6.30pm-10pm), Pullman Kuching is offering diners Chef Matans Lok-Lok Buffet Dinner at Puzzle Restaurant. Priced at RM88+ per adult and RM44+ per child
MOM Food Court's Fifa World Cup Russia 2018
Ditulis oleh: Admin pada Jun 19, 2018
I am pretty sure all you KAKI BOLAS out there are getting hyped up about the ongoing FIFA World Cup 2018 that is being held in Russia this year from 14th June till 15th July. Dont wanna hit the usual mamak or chill alone at home to watch the live action?
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