Restaurant & Food Review
[Chicken, Egg, Which Come First?] @ The First (In Emart Matang)
By Ashley Sim May Yee on Nov 14, 2019
We believe that throughout the world, there are different variants to this simple dish of fried chicken. Whether it is sweet, savoury, salty, spicy or even oddly seasoned, you'll definitely be able to find one that will set your taste buds aflutter. Lo
[Wow Your Lover W/ This Exquisite Restaurant!] @ Bla Bla Bla Restaurant
By Ashley Sim May Yee on Nov 6, 2019
Looking for a fancy Asian fusion restaurant in Kuching to bring your lover for a dinner date? Then look no further becauseBla Bla Bla Restaurantwill wow you and your lover with its exquisite decor and delectable food. Located at Jalan Tabuan (Opposite
[Let’s Feel The Love Tonight!] @ 5201314奶茶旗舰店
By Ashley Sim May Yee on Oct 30, 2019
If you find yourself falling for a Chinese boy or a girl, but are on the shy side, you can always express your emotions with a cute number-sms: 520 (wu五 er二 ling零 which almost sounds like wo我ai爱 ni你 = I LOVE YOU) and then 1314 (yi一 san三 yi一 si四 which
21/10鹿角巷今天开业啦 就在Milan Square
By Jocelyn Mok on Oct 21, 2019
众所周知,重视美学、品质与服务的连锁茶饮店,The Alley@鹿角巷终于于今天在古晋开业啦~! 走进鹿角巷,店面形式和装潢就可以看出他们有多么的注重美学;再从饮料的口味与设计,让品牌形象从味觉到视觉到心灵都离不开品味和时尚。 The Alley @鹿角巷终于在今天开业咯!店家坚信,茶,饮的是一份感受,品的是一份幸福。店家讲究产品的美学与品质、员工的服务态度和品牌对客户的关心等。所以每每一杯饮料,卖出时,员工都会亲切教导您如何喝您所买的饮料。比如说喝黑糖布雷时,要从下往
[Mmm… Aesthetic Pleasing Food!] @ The Owls Cafe (Kozi Square)
By Ashley Sim May Yee on Oct 16, 2019
We are constantly on the search for our next hideout from the hustle and bustle of the city. Or perhaps, some of us are just looking for somewhere new to spice up our Instagram feed. Well, youre in luck because weve found an insta-worthy cafe that will ch