
正港台灣味飄香來古晉 解饞時刻@飯王Saradise

By Kho Jia Yuan on Mar 7, 2020

Either you are from Taiwan or have been staying in Taiwan before, the dishes served byRice Kings Taiwanese Chef will remind you of the experience of life in Taiwan. The words that would ooze from your heart will be wow, this is the Taiwanese daily meal th

A place to heal your heart in Kuching. Biddy’s is always ready to serve you.

By Jocelyn Mok on Feb 22, 2020

Located in Stutong Avenue, the shop lots area that is opposite One TJ, Biddys cafe is the first healing cafe concept that had launched Kuching in this Romantic Month by a group of passionate partners. They have set a cozy and warm cafe, with the main purp

CCK freshmart 新春慷慨送礼 10 份现金礼券 + 10 只烤鸡等你来赢奖!

By Jocelyn Mok on Jan 20, 2020

看了CCK freshmart 视频,纸上谈兵的学了准备桌上美食的功夫三招。这一次更升级到送礼券送烤鸡,让您亲自来CCK 选购食材!协助您把脑海里美好的团圆饭画面给显现出来。附上好彩头祝福语与食材名称、图片的海报,让您更好的构思今年的团圆饭要加什么特别食材哦!暖暖祝福,贴心到家!尽在CCK Freshmart! 新春送礼好康一: 五份(RM50 现金礼券 + CCK 合家平安事事顺利烤鸡) 新春送礼好康二: 五份(RM30现金礼券 + CCK 合家平安事事顺利烤鸡) 如何赢奖呐? 做法很简

8 best reunion dinner restaurants in Kuching

By Kho Jia Yuan on Jan 13, 2020

Wondering which restaurant is best for your CNY reunion dinner? Here's the list for ya! Find your favorite restaurant and reserve it with this list of special best reunion dinner restaurants for CNY! Restaurant Name: Li Garden Restaurant Briefing: Moved

絕對值得您來品嘗的國際品牌酸奶 @Yomie’s Yogurt [有米酸奶]11/1正式營業!

By Jocelyn Mok on Jan 7, 2020

每日新鮮釀造, 用心製作,天然材料,一個酸奶發酵流程有著11個步驟, 耗時14個小時, 無添加防腐劑, 一律採用新鮮進口水果, 奶源都來自澳紐兩國, 季節性推新口味, 保證您喝到的[有米酸奶]都是最新鮮,最天然, 最美味有嚼感的健康飲品. 每一杯都是王牌, 口口讓人回味. 有米酸奶在澳洲悉尼走紅後.本月強勢來襲. 在古晉完美出擊,隆重的場Cityone Megamall. 兩間店面,二合為一. 室內裝潢走的是日系的花藝世界, 舒適優雅.只要您是忠實客戶, 店面的花藝擺設您對上眼後, 還可以跟老闆們協
