
[Wow Your Lover W/ This Exquisite Restaurant!] @ Bla Bla Bla Restaurant

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Nov 6, 2019

Looking for a fancy Asian fusion restaurant in Kuching to bring your lover for a dinner date? Then look no further becauseBla Bla Bla Restaurantwill wow you and your lover with its exquisite decor and delectable food. Located at Jalan Tabuan (Opposite

[Where Folks Meet Over Good Coffee!] @ Earthlings Coffee Workshop HQ

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Nov 2, 2019

Earthlings Coffee Workshop HQ, a place where good vibes gather and bad mood disappear. Step inside and breathe in the heady aroma of fresh-ground, fresh brewed coffee. Mmm Located at Soho East, Jalan Wan Alwi, Earthlings is arguably the best coffee pl

[Let’s Feel The Love Tonight!] @ 5201314奶茶旗舰店

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Oct 30, 2019

If you find yourself falling for a Chinese boy or a girl, but are on the shy side, you can always express your emotions with a cute number-sms: 520 (wu五 er二 ling零 which almost sounds like wo我ai爱 ni你 = I LOVE YOU) and then 1314 (yi一 san三 yi一 si四 which

推陈出新的菜单和优惠方案 @香港面粥家 Part 2

By Admin on Oct 22, 2019

每每小编一提起这家已经营了34年的餐厅,友人都会回答说。小时候跟爸爸妈妈常去、现在偶尔遇到比较年长的客户也会去等等。在这日新月异的时代里,香港面粥家也推陈出新的出现了新菜色,新的优惠方案。让儿时记忆加了新的感觉!所以想尝尝鲜或找寻儿时记忆都可以来这里哦!一次搞定,绝对满足! 必点的菜色:烧鸭面 友人告诉小编说,除了咸蛋苦瓜、叉烧面、宫保鸡等等美食,这是一道必点的美食,而且一碗烧鸭面才RM7.00. 鸭皮薄如一张纸,里面的鸭肉嫩得不得了。又滑又嫩,调味料还下的刚刚好。不会太咸!还有烫白菜以及脆脆的猪

21/10鹿角巷今天开业啦 就在Milan Square

By Jocelyn Mok on Oct 21, 2019

众所周知,重视美学、品质与服务的连锁茶饮店,The Alley@鹿角巷终于于今天在古晋开业啦~! 走进鹿角巷,店面形式和装潢就可以看出他们有多么的注重美学;再从饮料的口味与设计,让品牌形象从味觉到视觉到心灵都离不开品味和时尚。 The Alley @鹿角巷终于在今天开业咯!店家坚信,茶,饮的是一份感受,品的是一份幸福。店家讲究产品的美学与品质、员工的服务态度和品牌对客户的关心等。所以每每一杯饮料,卖出时,员工都会亲切教导您如何喝您所买的饮料。比如说喝黑糖布雷时,要从下往
