
[Kuching Festival]

【Kuching Fest’s FRESH Appetizer ★「Sushi Popiah」★】

Ditulis oleh: Admin pada Aug 6, 2017

Have you visited Stall 226A yet? Check out the delicious appetizer waiting for you here! 


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The super fresh appetizer Sushi Popiah is stuffed full of your usual popiah favorites like carrots, cabbage, sengkuang and mayo. It’s wrapped in not just popiah skin but also organic seaweed~ The secret weapon here is the crispy Tenkasu which gives it the extra crunch. The texture of each bite in your mouth is really fresh and appetizing ♡ (〃∀〃)~♡


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So before you get into an all-out food hunt, remember to grab one of these Sushi Popiahs at Stall 226A yoh~

More Delicious Kuching Foodie Info, only at Teaspoon.